Robert [..] > I have added a link on my site to your site, and over the past 3 weeks have > directed 13,000 unique visitors to your site. If you appreciate the > additional traffic, please put a link on your site back to mine. If you > do, I'll make sure the link to your site remains prominently placed on my > site's home page. If you decide not to, I'll be forced to remove the link, > and you will lose the additional 6,000 visitors a week that I have been > providing. Please let me know the url of the page with my link by Friday. If I received this in my inbox, I would ignore it and block any further emails from the domain. I may report the organisation from which it originated to the relevant authorities or watchdog organisation. Even if through some lapse in judgement I didn't take the above cited action, I would want to see who exactly these 13,000 "unique visitors" were, and I would want to know exactly what they did on my site. Having 13,000 car enthusiasts click on a link described as "Aston Martins for FREE!!!!!" and being sent to my automated dairy equipment website is nothing more than a foetal DoS. Deadlines and threats only serve to alienate your organisation from anyone to whom you see fit to send an email like this, and will certainly not benefit your business in any conventional manner. Regards Chris Marsh