Alex > Was wondering if someone could have a look at: > > Personally I would go less for a teaser campaign and more for an explicit description of your services. Don't oblige the viewer to work in order to figure out what you're offering him. The first question requires the user to deduce what a "traffic magnet" is, and then place it in the context of a "site", which is in turn only placed in context through the positioning within the directory where the advert resides. You then urge the viewer to call for a competitive quote, without informing him for what you will be quoting. Try not to fall into the trap of assuming that your knowledge as the advertiser is the baseline knowledge of every person to view your advert. The general public can be stupid and obtuse, but presumably this doesn't preclude you from taking their money :) HTH Regards Chris Marsh "Cthulhu for President. Why vote for a lesser evil?"