[thechat] Money Slang

G@rry garryw at softhome.net
Fri Jun 1 12:55:36 CDT 2001

> Recently a chatter mentioned Martin's '600 quid'
> camera. I've heard the term quid many times, but
> am not sure what a quid is. Is it a slang term for
> pound sterling? Or what. Seems like in addition to
> quid, Andy Capp used to use 'bob' for money. Also
> slang for a pound?

take a look at http://www.24carat.co.uk/commoncoinnames.html explains a lot
of it but omits the fact that 'quid' is actually from the latin 'quid pro
quo' (as in 'give unto ceaser...') which used to be on the old pound notes.


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