[thechat] LotR

Joe Crawford jcrawford at avencom.com
Mon Jun 4 15:45:53 CDT 2001

Quackamoe wrote:
> PS - anybody up for a thread about the upcoming
> movie version of LotR?

1. I'm not a fan of LotR - but I have deep geek roots, and
   appreciate that I /could be a fan/

but for:

2. I have been unable to finish reading the thing. 

which puts it in good company with:

3. Dune, and Gravity's Rainbow 

as books which I can start, but not finish. But I /intend/ to finish
before I die. :-)

Incidentally - I'm reading a big article on LotR right now - it's on
http://www.salon.com/ -- looks interesting.

	- Joe <http://artlung.com/>

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