[thechat] What about the economy?

isaac isaac at members.evolt.org
Mon Jul 23 20:11:12 CDT 2001

> And 'the rest of those friggin lunatics' would include who?

the other violent protestors. not the non-violents.

> Besides, what would the police response been if the protestor
> had used the same level of violence as the police (ie killed someone)?
> Hanging, drawing and quartering? Flaying alive? Being torn
> apart by horses? I think the word here is 'disproportionate'.

protestor would've been charged with manslaughter. the police have a duty.

> Current reporting in most mass media alleges that the entire
> demonstration was violent. A few honourable exceptions and most
> eyewitness reports are clear that most of the unprovoked violence
> was on the part of the police on unarmed, non-violent demonstrators.

nearly every report i have read mentions that the non-violent protests were
marred by those who chose to make it violent, and corrupted their message. i
don't know what news you're reading..


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