[thechat] Airlines

Erika Meyer emeyer at lclark.edu
Thu Sep 13 16:47:53 CDT 2001

>It's been 2 days now, and thankfully this List has calmed down a lot and
>seems to be thinking rationally again.

or we're learning to bite our tongues. ;-)  (except for me, apparently.)

>perpetrators, but what about those responsible for the lack of security on
>internal flights, the airlines themselves?


>Now, I could be wrong here, I am only quoting some *expert* on the TV the
>other night, but apparently when Clinton first came to office he requested a
>survey on internal airport security, and the result was that to raise
>security levels to those of international flights would delay the turnaround
>time for aircraft and was, therefore, not cost effective.

Apparently they have a formula for calculating cost of change vs loss of life
or they did... I haven't heard about it lately.

>This seems to me to be yet another case of putting profits before people.

Not putting profits first would require a major paradigm shift for 
the USA, maybe even the entire western world.

I'm all for that paradigm shift.  But I don't see it happening.


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