[thechat] O, Canada, something something something something something.

Jonathon Isaac Swiderski jswiders at cs.oberlin.edu
Sat Jul 6 10:59:01 CDT 2002

Yesterday, the cows mooved rudy to write:

> "something something something something something" -- yeah, even most
> canadians don't know the words, not since those fecking liberals went and
> sanitized them ("our home and native land" apparently being too insensitive
> to immigrants)

huh.  i grew up 50 minutes from Windsor, watching the Red Wings on Canadian tv
whenever the option presented, so maybe that's why I've always know the first
verse. . . it's been long enough that I seem to have forgotten the rest, but i
definitely remember "o canada / our home and native land / true patriot love /
in all thy sons command" . . .
(hey, i've been stuck in a cable-less pit in Ohio for two years. . .)

nice thing about this one is, it's actually *singable*, so after torturing
themselves for five minutes, the anthemettes get a break when the Canadian
hockey teams come to town. . . .

http://www.pch.gc.ca/ceremonial-symb/english/emb_anthem.html has some
interesting history of the song, including alternate versions. . .

Jonathon Isaac Swiderski       jswiders at cs.oberlin.edu
cs.oberlin.edu/~jswiders \\ members.evolt.org/jswiders

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