[thechat] vanilla coke

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Tue Aug 20 00:48:00 CDT 2002


> From: Madhu Menon
> I hear that Coke has released a "vanilla coke" in the
> USA.

ah, that's old news.  soda shops and goofy, old-school restaurants have been serving coke with all sorts of added flavor syrups for ages.  coca-cola finally caught on and decided to try their hand at it too.

> Now that I've finally stopped ROFL'ing about it, I was
> wondering if any of you folks had tasted it, and what
> you think of it.

it's actually quite good (for carbonated, flavored, artificially colored, sugar water).  i'm not a big coke fan, but i'll gladly take a vanilla coke if it's offered to me.


jeff at members.evolt.org

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