[thechat] King Preaches Abstinence to Parading Maidens

Sean G. ethanol at mathlab.sunysb.edu
Fri Sep 13 17:29:01 CDT 2002


>      2) Why should a Muslim be afforded similar opportunities to
> practice his religion as a Christian in a Christian society, and vice
> versa?

Since Muslims practicing their religion are praising the same god as
Christians practicing theirs (they mainly just disagree on the idea of a
trinity and the status of Jesus as god or mortal), and since Muslims
actually practice rites most Christians gave up on so long along they don't
even know what they're missing (like dietary laws.  Jesus was a Jew, and I
don't recall him saying anything about god's word from the old testament not
being god's word anymore.  Yes, every so-called Christian sitting down to
Sunday ham or big glass of milk with that bacon cheese burger is going
against the word of god.) then wouldn't a society that did not afford
Muslims every opportunity to practice their religion be, by definition, not
a Christian society?

Mohammed didn't say it was okay to kill civilians in cold blood, and Jesus
didn't say love thy neighbor (except for the towel-heads and sand niggers).

The question in it's very asking is against the most basic principles of
Christianity.  Shouldn't you say, how can a society that calls itself
Christian completely disregard the teachings of Christ?

keep dope alive,

Sean G.

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