[thechat] King Preaches Abstinence to Parading Maidens

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Fri Sep 13 17:59:01 CDT 2002

Syed Zeeshan Haider wrote:
> [snip]
> Saudi Arabian law to compell the women to wear burqa is opressive.
> Prophet Muhammad has said, "There is no opression in religion". It
> means opression is NOT allowed in Islam. You (as a Muslim) can't
> oblige somebody to act on something. You can advise but advice must
> be given with due respect. If your advice is wih intention of hurting
> somebody's self-respect then it is a sin and you must keep quite
> instead.

google search for "islamic oppression": 252 results

mainly discussing Islamic oppression during historical events, oppression
against women, Judaism, Christians, etc

google search for "muslim oppression": 259 results

most concerning Muslim oppression against Hindus and Christians.

Nice quotes I found in the Harry Schultz Letter, December 17, 2001 ...

"Never before in history has there been such an urgent need for total
introspection and self-examination on the part of all religions.  They must
come to realize that God does not speak only Arabic or Hebrew or English or
Hindi.  The survival of any religion will depend on its right to practice
its own beliefs while at the same time granting the same right to every
other religion." -- Gordon Frisch

"The opposite of religious totalitarianism is an ideology of pluralism - an
ideology that embraces religious diversity and the idea that my faith can be
nurtured without claiming exclusive truth." -- Rabbi David Hartman, Shalom
Hartman Institute, Jerusalem

_ __/|   ___  ___ __ _________  "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
\`O_o'  / _ \/ -_) // / __/ _ \  for Sega." -- Brodie, 'Mallrats'
=(_ _)=/_//_/\__/\_,_/_/  \___/ @ well.com :: William Anderson
   U - Ack! Phttpt! Thhbbt!     http://neuro.me.uk/

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