Defining the Parties (was [thechat] US Elections)

David Wagner dave at
Sun Nov 10 14:55:01 CST 2002

Judah wrote:

> OR-i-gun, soft i, soft u.  Should be three syllables, middle syllable
> frequently almost disappears.
> ORE-gone is grounds for immeadiate termination.
> Judah (6th generation resident of the Willamette Valley.  Pronounced
> Will-LAM-it to rhyme with dammit)

But "Willamette" is a French-Canadian corruption of Wilamut (Pronounced
WILL-uh-mutt), the native name of the region.

And the origin of the name "Oregon" is in question... the Spanish term
"orejon" (meaning "big ear") referred to some of the native tribes of the
area. A French-Canadian term, "ouragan" (meaning "storm" or "hurricane") is
also a possibility, though I can find few supporting references. And some
say that the prevalence of wild sage in Eastern Oregon led to the corruption
of the term "oregano". None of these words are pronounced quite like we say
"Oregon" now.

In short, pronounce it how you will, but remember that every native has
their own take on place names.


David Wagner
dave at

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