[thechat] Who will be the next James Bond

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Sat Nov 23 10:23:01 CST 2002

Madhu Menon wrote:
> http://uk.geocities.com/thenext007uk/contenders.html
> Here's a list of contenders. Your favourite?

Out of all of them, I'd say Clive Owen - and definitely not Robbie Williams
... how the hell am I supposed to relate to a Bond who's being played by
someone only a month and a half older than me ...

I suppose choosing the next Bond will be interesting and tricky - Brosnan
was such a fait accomplit that *not* choosing him for Goldeneye would have
attracted a serious amount of criticism, but now that he's probably only got
one more Bond movie left in him, how the hell do you find someone with the
same prescence and flair for the role ...

> BTW, anyone seen the Bond flick yet? It's coming here on December 20.
> Bond movies have a history here of being sold out for the first two
> weeks, so I better book tickets on Dec. 18 (the earliest I can.)

I was thinking about going to see it tonight, but might wait until I'm in
London next week and see it there.

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   U - Ack! Phttpt! Thhbbt!     neuro at well dot com  http://neuro.me.uk/

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