[thechat] b&w photography

Hassan Schroeder hassan at webtuitive.com
Tue Jan 21 10:42:01 CST 2003

Luther, Ron wrote:

> I think, as I believe you are noting above, that many of them have motorized
> control over the manual focus ... meaning that you have to hit a tiny button
> to move the focus in or out. Kind of a digital 'manual focus' arrangement.

Yeah, it's pretty painful in the best of circumstances!

> However, I'm pretty sure there are some (maybe the Minolta Dimage line?)
> that have manual 'manual focusing' where you turn a ring around the lens to
> alter the focus.

Cool, that's exactly what I'm talking about -- I'll check Minolta.

The Elph was/is fine for vacations, being as small as it is, and
I've been using a Nikon 4500 for taking product pictures (jewelry)
for a client and it's nice enough, but it's spending all its time
on a mini-tripod on the studio table. Recently I've been feeling
like doing more photo work, especially outside... (must be spring
fever approaching!)

Thanks for the pointer,
Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- hassan at webtuitive.com
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   === http://webtuitive.com

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