[thechat] West Wing was: hot actresses (was: Jan 18 peace march)

Lauri Vain lauri_lists at tharapita.com
Wed Jan 22 04:27:01 CST 2003

> That's his title, sure. But what's his *job*? What's his *role*?
> What does he *do*?

Most of the time he just mocks people :)

Actually, it seems awfully lot like he's (de facto) a part of the
communication office... he, Sam, Toby and CJ all seem to do the same
thing with, except they handle different sides of the task.

He also "staffs the president", whatever that means (in the beginning of
the 4th season he asked Sam to staff the president for a day instead of
himself, as Josh and Toby missed the motorcade and got left behind).

> He doesn't do any chief-of-staffing, not even assisting Leo.

It's a mystery... during campaigning he was playing a fixed role.

Doesn't it seem to you that he is doing a bit of everything? (besides
mocking people, partially taking care of the public face, he also
advises the president on political matters etc etc)

> It's not as if they need an in-house lawyer as they're *all*
> lawyers.

Oh, and don't forget the 14 lawyers they have somewhere in the basement


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