[thechat] can anybody read this, Zeeshan maybe (is it Arabic, Balanese, Elven)?

Syed Zeeshan Haider szh at softhome.net
Tue Jan 28 07:23:05 CST 2003

From: "Erik Mattheis"
To: <thechat at lists.evolt.org>
Sent: January 28, 2003, Tuesday 8:23 AM
Subject: [thechat] can anybody read this, Zeeshan maybe (is it Arabic, Balanese,

> "Salam" is a greeting/goodbye in Arabic, right?

Most terms, which have roots in religion, are common among all Muslims of
different nationalities. It is common in almost all the Muslims of the world
that if somebody asks one of them, "Are you Muslim?". He/She would reply
"Alhamd-u-Lillah" which means "Praise be to Allah", more clearly "Praise be to
Allah (for I am a Muslim)".

> What
> generally are they saying?

It is neither Arabic nor any other language of Arabic script. I think Isaac is
right. It is Indonesian. I don't know Indonesian but after a little googling, I
found an Indonesian to English Translator at
http://www.ewgate.com/ewtranslite.html. It is not very impressive but I have
done some translation with it. I am including the translation in underneath.
NOTE: I have just done copy/paste. The translation has not been corrected,
checked or altered.

> - - -
> Salam immawan Agus Susanto,
> terimakasih atas perhatian anda.
> alhamdulillah, saya telah membeli buku tersebut Rabu
> 22 januari lalu setelah mendapat informasi dari
> peserta kursus filsafat di ITS
> dan ...kami pun bertekad bikin gebrakan lanjutan di
> maklum, temann imm di Jember maupun di Surabaya kurang
> tertarik dengan tawarann saya, jadi ya ngajak yang mau
> saja ...


Greeting of Agus Susanto's IMMAWAN, Thank you over your attendance. Praise Be To
God, I bought the book mention Wednesday 22 January 22 January past after
receiving information from Philosophy course participant at ITS And ... we also
are determined to make the continuation blow at Its Understand , TEMANN IMM in
Jember as well as in more not very Surabaya Attracted with TAWARANN me,
therefore there is invite that wanted Only ..

> - - -
> saat ini saya masih memandu short course filsafat di
> imm jember. materi masih belum berubah, yakni 8 materi
> seperti di kumpulan materi filsafat sains imm
> aufklarung umm. imm jember memang perlu suntikan yang
> ampuh ...


At this moment I am guiding short the course of philosophy at Muhammadiyah
students association jember. Matter still hasn't changed, i.e. 8 matters Such as
at science philosophy matter group of Muhammadiyah Students Association
AUFKLARUNG UMM. Muhammadiyah students association jember is indeed necessary
injection that Flood ..

> - - -
> ada banyak hal yang harus kita lihat dari peristiwa ini, disamping
> bangkitnya kembali kepercaaan diri aparatur negara dalam melawan
> pihak-pihak dianggap mengganggu " stabilitas", yang tentu saja hal
> tersebut akan sangat menganggu demokratisasi di Indonesia. Namun kita
> harus selalu ingat bahwa tak selamanya mahasiswa juga benar, tak
> selamanya apa yang dilakukan pimpinan benar. Terlepas dari setuju
> tidaknya kita terhadap tuntutan para Mahasiswa (termasuk harus
> mundurnya MegawatI) saya acungkan jempol kepada temen-temen di Jakrta
> apabila mereka tulus dalam amar ma'ruf nahi Munkar ini


There are many matters we must that see from this incident, besides To rise it
returns KEPERCAAAN self government official in fighting Groups are assumed
disturbing "", that stability of course matter Mention will be very much
democratisation MENGANGGU in Indonesia. However we Should always remember that
not always undergraduate also true, not Always what is carried out by true
leadership. Are apart from to agree Not we towards Undergraduates' claim (
including should To backward it MEGAWATI) I point the thumb to friends at JAKRTA
When they are sincere in command of Supreme Justice'RUF this MUNKAR

> - - -
> immawan dan immawai,
> saya baru saja melakukan kesalahan yakni
> underestimate.
> ceritanya begini,
> ada seorang gadis manis, mahasiswi
> berjilbab dan trendi
> saya sih tidak menaruh perhatian khusus kepadanya
> sampai suatu ketika
> yah ...suatu ketika
> dia ikut kursus filsafat yang saya selenggarakan
> padahal, untuk ikut kursus tersebut peserta harus
> ngeluarkan kocek sebesar Rp 40 000 (empat puluh ribu!)
> dan semua peserta sudah melunasi
> termasuk si gadis ini


IMMAWAN and IMMAWAI, I recently commit the error i.e. UNDERESTIMATE. Its story
is like that, There is a sweet lady, female undergraduate BERJILBAB and trend I
don't place special attendance to him Until one moment ...One moment
He follows the course that I organise of philosophy On the contrary, to follow
the course mention participant should Producing the pocket as much as Rp 40 000
Rp 40 000 forty thousand forty thousand ! And all participants had paid
Including this lady

*** translation ended ***

 From reading the translation (which contains lots of poor quality of English
grammatically), I think the spammer is NOT any radical Muslim individual/group.
The spammer is someone who wants to use religion to have an impact/effect on
country's politics. This spamming is a part of their propaganda campaign.

Hope this helps!

Syed Zeeshan Haider.

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