Old topic: bleeding vaginas (WAS Re: [thechat] Who's have thought it? / New topic: Hoon now in George's pocket, too)

Erika Meyer erika at seastorm.com
Thu Feb 6 17:27:01 CST 2003

>Unless you want to describe the British Defence Secretary
>as a c...
>Actually no, not even then.

A what?

A fun bit bit taken from a Eugene, Oregon band web site.  I don't
know why they don't include a discussion of the fun Chaucerian word
"quente" (is that it?) but anyway...



Cunt: A bit from Barbara Walker on the word cunt

Derivative of the Oriental Great Goddess Cunti, or Kunda, the Yoni of
the Uni-verse. From the same root came country, kin, and kind (old
english, cyn, gothic kuni). Related forms were Latin cunnus, Middle
English cunte, Old Norse and Phrygian kunta, Basque cuna. Other
cognates are "cunabula" a cradle, or earliest abode; "Cunnia" a Roman
Goddess who protected children in the cradle; "Cunctipotent", all
powerful (i.e. having cunt magic); "Cunicle" a hole or passage;
"Cuniculate" penetrated by a passage; "Cundy", a coverted colvert;
also cunning, kenning, and ken: knowledge, learning, insight,
rememberance, wisdom. Cunt is "not slang, dialect or any marginal
form, but a true language word and of the oldest stock." --- Barbara
Walker, Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets

It is another example of a word that once emphasised women's power
and is now an insult (gossip is another good example). Many people
have often said it is the only word they really feel uncomfortable
saying, as if cunt was the last true swearword in counter-culture
english. Quite a dirty little word for such prestine and exhaulted

Fun Fact!!! Did you know most swear words get their inappropriate
connotations from to classist, (hetro-) sexist, and racist prejudices?

From:  http://Sprocket.ViaThe.Net/americunt/about.html


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