[thechat] Replacement of Marshmallows

Judah McAuley judah at wiredotter.com
Fri Feb 7 17:07:01 CST 2003

martin burns wrote:

>> We've got phoney Tony instead
> who it would seem plagiarises 12 years old college papers on Iraq and
> presents them as new research:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/2735031.stm
> Apparently pages 6-19 of the UK doc were lifted verbatim from the original
> paper, complete with spelling and grammatical errors, except to crudely
> increase the numbers of everything.

Wow, that's brilliant work.  Which is better, the US's outright lies or
Britain's plagiarism of outdated sources?  There has been a really
interesting trend in the US.  Past administrations were all about spin
and media control. This administration is taking a bold new direction by
just flat out lying.  They (especially Ari Fleischer) will simply deny
that things have happened or continue that something is a certain way
even when its been shown to be another way.  A great current example is
the aluminum tubes that were supposedly one of the first smoking guns
found in the inspections.  The US insisted that they were for Uranium
enrichment and were for building bombs.  Subsequent analysis by the UN
atomic weapons folks have shown that they are not for enriching Uranium
and that there would be evidence if they were being modified for that
use.  Regardless of proof that the tubes are what Iraq says they are,
the US continues to say that they are proof of WMD development in Iraq.
  Colin Powell reiterated this in his UN speech the other day.  It
amazes me.


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