[thechat] A balance of opinion.

Erik Mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Tue Mar 25 19:26:19 CST 2003

On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 05:50 PM, Hugh Blair wrote:
> Uh, you just described the current Iraq. And about "an international
> organization of some sort", would you mean the UN? Been there, done
> that, waited for years for their useless non-action.

For the past 12 years, the United Nations has imposed strict sanctions  
in Iraq, military enforced "no fly zones" over Iraq, and sporadically  
inspected Iraq for WMD!

Calling that "non-action" is ridiculous! The only reason a person could  
think the UN has been doing nothing is because have heard a lie  
repeated so many times they believe it.

>  So what would
> *you* do if some country was:

Of course, you're referring to Hussein's Iraq.

> "out of control"

Has been tame as a pussy willow since Hussein was ejected from Kuwait  
in 1990.

> "attacking other countries in an unprovoked manner"

Has been tame as a pussy willow since Hussein was ejected from Kuwait  
in 1990.

> and no "international organization of some sort" was able or willing
> to do anything about it.

Again, where's this damn echo coming from? For the past 12 years, the  
United Nations has imposed strict sanctions in Iraq, military enforced  
"no fly zones" over Iraq, and sporadically inspected Iraq for WMD.

> This is a serious question, now what would
> you do?

I would continue what the UN has been doing, which has effectively  
contained Hussein for over a decade.

I know he's done horrible things in the past, ie, the incident where he  
gathered the 50 highest leaders of the Baath Party, separated them into  
two halves: traitors/loyalists and made the loyalists shoot the  
"traitors" ...

I'm not sure how he's treating his people now, but perhaps I would have  
the UN look into it and decide if taking action is necessary.

> Whether I agree or not, the US Gov thinks it's now up to
> them to "address the issue."

The want to "address the issue" by running Iraq:
"U.S. Is Assembling a  Civilian Team to Run Iraq"
WASHINGTON, March 24 — The United States is preparing to establish  
immediate sole control of postwar Iraq, initially without recourse to  
the United Nations, with a civilian administration under the direct  
command of the military, according to senior administration officials.

US foreign policy can be summed up in two words: World Domination.  
Here's a couple quotes, maybe I've posted them here before:

Michael Ledeen: "Iraq is not the war. And the war is a regional war,  
and we cannot be successful in Iraq if we only do Iraq alone. And I  
think that the terror countries bordering Iraq, namely, Iran and Syria,  
know that."

Richard Perle: "I'm rather optimistic that we will see regime change in  
Iran without any use of military power by the United States."

source: <http://www.aei.org/events/eventID.267/transcript.asp>

They have been planning this thing for years, wanted diplomacy to fail.

To educate yourself on the new Imperialist US, start at

Additionally, you can do google searches for neoconservative, IEA and  

Pictures of Liberated Iraqis
(warning: pictures of dead or maimed people)

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