[thechat] perchlorate in CA lettuce

Erika Meyer erika at seastorm.com
Wed Apr 30 14:58:58 CDT 2003


Having worked  few years doing research for an anti-toxic non-profit, 
my reading between the lines in this USA Today article tells me that 
perchlorate is NASTY and it is very likely that "no safe level" has 
been set, because hello!

it ISN'T SAFE!!!

mmm... think about it next time you much a big head of crunchy 
mouthwatering lettuce... (I can't believe USA today had the balls to 
publish this...)

anyways, this is just a sample of the  Bush administration is busy 
with behind the scenes while we're all distracted by other things.

It's war, dammit.  With a million ways to maim, why  pick just one?

"Perchlorate pollution is highly politicized because almost all 
production can be either directly or indirectly traced back to the 
military. The Pentagon has argued that perchlorate is safe in 
drinking water at levels much higher than the EPA has set.

The Bush administration has backed a bill before Congress that would 
exempt the Pentagon and defense contractors from environmental 
regulations requiring the cleanup of toxic waste, saying that 
compliance would hinder military readiness. Hearings are to begin 
next week."


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