[thechat] Horrific venereal disease strikes African baboons

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Thu May 8 08:52:57 CDT 2003


 From the "you thought SARS was bad?" department:


A horrific venereal disease is preying on baboons in eastern Africa. An 
estimated 200 animals have been infected and scientists are scrambling to 
identify the mystery microbe that is attacking them.

The disease targets the reproductive organs of the primate. The 
consequences for male baboons are particularly gruesome, says Elibariki 
Mtui, of the African Wildlife Foundation in Arusha, Tanzania. "The genitals 
kind of rot away, then they just drop off," he told New Scientist.


Let's hope THIS virus never mutates and affects humans.



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Madhu Menon
Internet User Experience Consultant
e-mail: webguru at vsnl.net   |   Yahoo messenger: cold_logic

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