[thechat] Baby

Martin Burns martin at easyweb.co.uk
Mon Dec 15 05:12:28 CST 2003

On 15 Dec 2003, at 10:06, Megan Heald wrote:

> I mean't to paste this ages ago. I don't know where
> the last 3 months have gone. I have baby boy called
> David who is 9 weeks old, is totally gorgeous and
> growing well.

Hey that's fantastic! Congrats!

How are the rest of the clan adapting to David?

> He was discovered to be a breech baby back in August a
> month before he was due which lead to a lot of tears
> and heartache. I was still working which did not help,
> not being able to sleep because of worry and a 100
> mile daily commute round the M25 does nothing for
> stress levels.

Glad it turned out OK in the end

> The midwives at the hospital were fantastic, very
> supportive and caring. The consultants less so, they
> have a one size fits all policy which possibly cuts
> down on litigation but is not patient centred.

Preaching to the converted here, Megan :-)

> hopefully I will have some pictures to show soon.

Soon! Soon!



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