[Theforum] ballot not complete (and perspective)

Elfur Logadottir elfur at elfur.is
Sun Dec 30 21:16:37 CST 2001

From: "Martin" <martin at members.evolt.org>
| Here's an offer for you (and anyone else too) - come up with an
| option which is fair and consistent with other evolt public
| spaces being publically archived, and I'll happily put it on
| the ballot.

stepping back for a second thinking about the situation ...

while i'd like to point out that i've already voted on the logging of irc,
i'd also like to point out that i've been following the discussion pretty
closely and have a fair amount of knowledge and experience of

the problem we're facing is malicious discussion of fellow evolt.org
members, particularly when they're not around and not able to defend
themselves. the problem has appeared in two different ways:
1. a member present (adrian) pointed out to us that such malicious
discussion was taking place, and that the tone of the channel was severely
negative, possibly causing a negative consumption of other evolt.org
members, possibly even driving them away from evolt.org (the same could be
said about this discussion here on theforum, but that's a different story).
2. thebot has often displayed residual of such discussion by holding a
malicious description of a person, either a description that was indirectly
pointed to thebot, or (even worse) a malicious description directly pointed
to thebot to learn.

these things lead to two things:
1. negative attitude towards evolt.org as a whole or parts of evolt.org
(words like vitriol, elitist etc. come to mind here)
2. anonymous remains of malicious content stay at sight for anyone to
learn, without context.

now this is the situation that we need to respond to, and finally, here's
my suggestion:

we decide that negative discussion is a big no no and that previously
assigned operators located in different timezones, should respond to it and
other users acknowledge it.

we allow only thebot on the evolt channel, but we kill the possibility of
it learning malicious descriptions of people (therefore killing the
possibility of it learning anything at all, directly from any user).

this is as far as i think we the archive suggesting people could be willing
to go (and even further than some but we'll see :) but this is also a
reasonable suggestion, that those non-archive suggesting people should have
to settle for, it's a matter of accountability and respect for your fellow
evolt.org member, regardless of your personal opinion of the member.

with this we get to keep the valuable parts of thebot and keep the
malicious discussion at least hidden to those not present, but also we make
a certain amount of regulars on the channel responsible for the channels
behaviour - sorta like we do with thelist, kinda self-moderating, keeping
things on topic, method of peer-moderation.

and finally, i'd like to keep martin's operator list suggestion within this
suggesting the following persons as starting operators:
* Jeff
* Michele
* Dan
* Adrian
* Elfur
* Garrett
* Madhu
* Isaac

what do you say guys, can't we settle on this one and have the blasted irc
problem over and done with.

*the mediating one*

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