[theforum] RFV: ServerMatrix Hosting for l.e.o

Martin Paul Burns martin.burns at uk.ibm.com
Fri Jun 4 01:55:14 CDT 2004

Dean wrote on 03/06/2004 19:54:22:

> Proposals:
> 1) evolt.org moves hosting to ServerMatrix for l.e.o, d.e.o, and b.e.o
>    immediately and worries about w.e.o later.
> 2b) evolt.org gets the biggest box possible for $100/month.

Given that
a) We've already said we're OK with spending $100/month at ServerMatrix,
and have the cash to support that for nearly 2 years without further effort
b) We've already said that we want to get on and do it ASAP
c) Sysadmin contains the people best qualified to know whether not going
dirt cheap will prove longterm value (not least in not having to migrate it
all again - John perhaps wasn't explicit enough in expressing how
significant that is)

why are we even continuing to discuss it? Why not let Sysadmin manage the
$99/month budget we've allocated? We've already *chosen* the options


> Deadline:
> Wednesday, June 9, 2004.
> Dean
> ---
> evolt.org wiki: http://freezope2.nipltd.net/acorn/evolt/
> -
> How can you help?
> http://freezope2.nipltd.net/acorn/evolt/FactFindingMission

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