[theforum] Allowable tags in content in new site

Martin Burns martin at easyweb.co.uk
Sat Feb 19 20:17:14 CST 2005

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On 19 Feb 2005, at 02:27, Jeff Howden wrote:

> Jeff Howden wrote:
>> Martin,
>>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
>>> From: Martin Burns
>>> 1) Auto-add all the para tags, and severely limit the
>>>   acceptable HTML to really innocuous stuff
>>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
>> Bad idea.  Authors should submit with proper markup.
> +1 - we can't be seen to be mollycoddling our *web-developer* 
> community!

Respectfully, no, I disagree.

This is about balancing between being seen to be hard-ass ("yes, 
Virginia, you do need to be able to code correct HTML"), and 
pragmatically saving the effort of our content people.

I, for one, am bored with adding <p> tags to articles submitted as

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris neque 
lorem, placerat sit amet, congue nec, dignissim ut, metus. Vestibulum 
erat. Proin vitae metus.

Duis at odio. Proin imperdiet nisl in mi. Aliquam sed urna. Duis nulla. 
Cras et orci. Aliquam auctor, mauris sed dignissim fringilla, urna sem 
porta diam, sit amet pretium ante metus at lectus. Duis est urna, 
tempor in, ultrices non, ultrices sed, dolor."

This is particularly frequent in job postings, which are more often 
than not submitted by people who are not typical evolt members, but who 
want to employ them.

If you chaps are hereby volunteering to do that cleanup from here on 
in... :-)

To ensure we're talking about the same thing, if you look at the form:
you'll see that users who can do full(ish) HTML are able to choose that 
option. Hell, I can even make it the default option.

>>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
>>> 2) limit the tags to those in our code guide.
>>> [...]
>>> <b>
>>> <i>
>>> <hr>
>>> <br>
>>> and added <q>
>>> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
>> Don't remove <br> or <hr>.  There are both useful in articles and may 
>> be
>> necessary to illustrate a point.
> +1, although munging them to proper xhtml may be useful.

OK, although again, I'm fed up of cleaning up after authors submitting

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris neque 
lorem, placerat sit amet, congue nec, dignissim ut, metus. Vestibulum 
erat. Proin vitae metus.<br><br>

Duis at odio. Proin imperdiet nisl in mi. Aliquam sed urna. Duis nulla. 
Cras et orci. Aliquam auctor, mauris sed dignissim fringilla, urna sem 
porta diam, sit amet pretium ante metus at lectus. Duis est urna, 
tempor in, ultrices non, ultrices sed, dolor.<br><br>"

cos to them, it looks right when they submit.

On 19 Feb 2005, at Jeff wrote:

> Additionally, please add <caption>


> This brings up the point of styles and scripts (and other, currently
> restricted, tags).  If they're necessary for an article, how is an 
> author to
> add them?

Can you point me to an article when this has been needed? We already 
tell users "don't *demonstrate* scripts/CSS tricks on our pages, link 
to an external page". If they're merely providing the code, it's done 
within <pre> tags and escaped.

I *have* disabled the option that strips classes & styles out of tags, 
mostly because it's often used to float images

- --
Now playing on iTunes: "I Tried" by Mull Historical Society from 'Loss' 
- - a hit from way back in 2001

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