[theforum] evolt.org headlines

Erika ekm at seastorm.com
Wed Nov 12 09:31:34 CST 2008

adrinux wrote:
> I have to say I've always pretty much ignored weo.

I think weo's heyday was mid99-mid2002ish... but maybe that's just when 
I  drifted away.  Don't mean it's "over" -- I have a hard time w weo 
right now just because it's got so many usability issues.

weo/leo feed each other, in terms of community.

> I think I'd find headlines being posted to thelist pretty annoying though :/

yes well god forbid.  but I suppose.  there are other ways to get the
word out now... I'll just twitter 'em. (pick up potential converts that
way anyway.)


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