[thesite] article auto-approve??

Daniel J. Cody dcody at oracular.com
Tue Dec 12 15:18:25 CST 2000

Don't know if anyone ever got this or not(I'm double checking open 
issues that need to be closed before tomorrow).

You can't do any sort of admin functions on your own article. djc cannot 
approve, delete, dis-approve, etc an article by djc

create a new test user, submit the article, then try the admin functions 
as your usual user.


Warden, Matt wrote:

> all,
> do admins have their artivles automatically approved? I tried to submit an
> article that I could use to play with, but it doesn't show up in the new
> articles. However, it *does* show up in the adminbox. When I click on the
> article link, it brings me to a view of the article with a comment box, etc.
> but no admin functions. Yet, it doesn't show up on the front page either. Does
> someone else have to approve the article or is it auto-approved because I'm in
> the admin realm?
> Is there an article that I can use to play with? I see many test articles, but
> I don't know if people are using them to test something specific and I don't
> want to mess any of that up. Let me know ASAP.

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