[thesite] the only solution?

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 15 21:59:17 CST 2000

>From: McCreath_David <McCreath_David at xmail.asd.k12.ak.us>
> After trying everything else first, I finally commented out the margin
> attributes of the body definition in the style sheet, and it looks the same
> (well, no space between nav and content) in all the browsers I have:
> IE5.5/PC, IE5/Mac (nav menu isn't right aligned ?!?), IE4.5/Mac (itty-bitty
> weirdness on the far right-hand side of the content table, but way less
> troublesome than the NN4.x problem), NC4.75/PC, NC4.75/Mac, N6/Mac,
> NN4.08/Mac.
> Can we live without the margin atts in the stylesheet? It seems to me at on
> this point that correct display overrides stylesheet coolness.

yes, i certainly can... 

> BTW, I reverted back to the stylesheet from the live site to make sure I
> hadn't f*cked it up earlier today, so don't be surprised by no underlines,
> text size, etc.
> If I can get a consensus on the margin thing, I'll plug the following
> changes back into the stylesheet on the live site and call it an evening:
> 1) default text size up to 12px


> 2) remove the margin atts on body


> 3) underline the links, with the exception of the headlines, which will get
> a new class (I prefer Elfur's suggestion of underlining ONLY inline links,
> but I don't have time to figure that out right now)

+1... although make sure jeff is cool on the new title class you are 
going to use... i'd still like to see those titles in a <strong> tag, so 
don't ditch that, either...

> 4) sidebar text size up to 11px


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