[thesite] f.e.o. article comments

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Mon Aug 13 15:16:39 CDT 2001


> From: Michele Foster
> Never realized a User couldn't edit their own comments
> before.

correct -- users cannot edit or delete their own comments.

only priv(3) can edit comments.  only priv(4) can delete them

> Good reasoning, Jeff.  Should make sure all email
> respondents realize this.

why?  things would stay as they are with the exception that people posting
comments would have a preview before finalizing the posting of their

> I don't even see the delete?  I thought at least that
> existed?  We've suggested/asked that users edit/delete
> their comments in the past?  Or am I way in left field
> here?

i know we've asked them to in the past -- that was our fault for not
realizing they cannot do either.


jeff at members.evolt.org

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