[thesite] alternative styles

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 16 18:37:31 CST 2001

> From: McCreath_David <McCreath_David at xmail.asd.k12.ak.us>
> That would be really, really cool. iSac, if you can just spec some colors
> for each of those sites as equivs to the main site, we can get the
> stylesheets worked out pretty easily.

just for the record, i'm re-raising concerns about custom colors 
given the user's ability (eventually) set up custom styles... if these 
3 colors would be the default, allowing a custom stylesheet to take 
precedence, then i have no concerns here...

> >b.)elfur and dave, if you guys could whip up a style sheet based on what 
> >iSac(or yourselves!) think would work.
> I'd happily take some suggestions on colors for lists.evolt.org.

use the existing style sheets... btw, didn't mccreath update the 
CSS so the <h4> - <h6> were all the same size, or something?  
cuz they still look small in the comments...

fwiw, from <h4> to <h6> i probably should have used indenting, 
and not sizing, to delineate the hierarchial differences... put that in 
the future fix files...
> aardvark...were you working on redoing the design for browsers.? I got some
> preliminary stuff done for lists., and can get back on it this evening or
> tomorrow. (We just had a planning meeting at work...eeeeeeeesh...gotta a
> couple of long months coming up.)

um, i thought i handed that off to someone after i coded it up 
forever ago... anyone?  otherwise i'll have to check my shoddy 
email archives when i get home...

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