[thesite] Tips Database

Dean Mah dsmah at home.com
Wed Jul 25 14:49:16 CDT 2001

rudy writes:

> you are referring to the test database, right?


> could you please save me the effort of combing through thesite
> archives and tell me what tables are involved?

Only one so far, THELIST.

> also, a question i guess for all of you, what are the prospects for
> integrating the tips into the CONTENT table -- worthwhile?  don't
> bother?  i used to think the main advantage was that tips would then
> be searchable, but that may have been long, long ago -- before we
> found out we couldn't reference LONG columns in WHERE clauses...
> besides, integrating them would surely cause hiccups to existing
> article code, which would have to be adjusted to disregard
> 'articles' within the TIPS category...  comments?  ideas?

I thought that this was our intent from the beginning, i.e., to get
the tips into the CONTENT table.  Doesn't Verity or Cold Fusion give
you functions to search LONGs and LOBs?

> let me know if you want me to go ahead with the indexes...  it might
> be better done by someone who knows which oracle tables to query to
> ensure they have been defined properly...  matt?

The structure may change in the near future but it currently looks

SQL> desc thelist;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ---------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 LISTID                                            NUMBER
 MESSAGEID                                         NUMBER
 HDR_MESSAGEID                                     VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_FROMNAME                                      VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_FROMEMAIL                                     VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_TOEMAIL                                       VARCHAR2(1024)
 HDR_SUBJECT                                       VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_DATE                                          VARCHAR2(512)
 HDR_INREPLYTO                                     VARCHAR2(512)
 BDY_CONTENT                                       LONG


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