[thesite] friday is a good day..

Joshua OIson joshua at alphashop.net
Fri May 18 14:11:53 CDT 2001

Quick comment that *may* help.  The query used to drive the front end is
using 3 conditionals to exclude categories.  Would it possibly be faster to
add a flag to the category to indicate whether it should be included on the
front of the site, thereby reducing the number of comparisons and allowing
you to maybe even use an index (maybe clustered) on that flag?

Also, there was talk about an Oracle Equivalent to LIMIT TO, etc.  Does the
CF maxrows not do the same thing?  I do a lot of work in a Sybase
environment and it seems to help alot for huge tables.

Just some thoughts.  Sorry they're not real specific at this time.


> I wrote your query like this:
> SELECT content.contentid, content.keyphrase, content.contentname,
>        content.synopsis, content.datemod, content.replies, users.userid,
>        users.who, categorys.category,  categorys.categoryid,
>        Count(*) AS newcomments
>   FROM users, content, categorys, replies
>  WHERE content.signoff = 1 AND content.userid = users.userid
>    AND content.categoryid <> 23 AND content.categoryid <> 26
>    AND content.categoryid <> 9741 AND content.categoryid =
>    AND content.contentid = replies.contentid (+)
> GROUP BY content.contentid, content.keyphrase, content.contentname,
>          content.synopsis, content.datemod, content.replies, users.userid,
>          users.who, categorys.category,  categorys.categoryid

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