[thesite] d.e.o layout

McCreath_David McCreath_David at xmail.asd.k12.ak.us
Tue May 22 10:54:48 CDT 2001

>From: Simon Coggins
>Very reasonable. I agree it would be much more consistent to 
>keep the pull down menu. In the same place on all the sections 
>of the site.
>The reason I did it this way in the first place was because I 
>had trouble getting the search to fit in the sidebar nicely. 
>Does anyone know an effective way to get cross-browser and 
>cross-platform consistency in the width of text fields?

I've had the most success putting a style attribute directly into the input
tag like this:

<input size="15" name="search" id="search" style="width:100%">

Most of the new browsers will spread the text input across the full width of
the outside container, in this case the sidebar. The older ones will just
use the width attribute. From there you could go to an advanced search page
if you want to give people more choices or more room to type.

>Yes, I agree on this too. This one was just laziness on my part. Rather
>than sorting out the mess of colspans and rowspans in the layout I just
>created a new table and slotted it inbetween the black tab and the
>content tables. I'm planning to do a bit of work on the HTML 
>soon anyway
>(to make the style of the headings the same as the result of evolt), so
>I'll fix this at the same time.

If you look at the Tip Harvester on l.e.o:


and drill down a little, you'll see how we handled it there. It's just a
cell and the text wraps in it. You could also just use a paragraph. If your
code requires the table to build the trail, you could just drop your table
in the top of that main content cell.

> - "friendly" urls for the categories. e.g:
>	dir.evolt.org/coding/client-side/css/
>	rather than: 
>	dir.evolt.org/index.php?viewCat=15


> - numbers specifying the number of links in a category. e.g:
>	client-side (14)
>	server-side (23)
>This should help to further distinguish subcategories from links. 



Thanks for all your work, Simon.


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