[thesite] user selectable style help

Michele Foster michele at wordpro.on.ca
Mon Nov 5 20:36:15 CST 2001

Ok, sounds to me that we need some changes made to the original (existing)
CSS before we can proceed, and then changes made to the HTML on the existing

Isaac or Adrian, can you modify the existing CSS to incorporate the changes
Jeff has suggested?

Then, once that's been done, the actual authors of each of the CSS should go
back through them and add the additional classes, make sure the CSS is
viewable in as many browsers/operating systems as possible, and validate the
CSS files.

That should work fine.  This way no one person will alter an author's
intended colour scheme.

Dan, I'll do your Easter one if ya want me too.  And any others if the
author gives me permission to modify their CSS accordingly.



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