[thesite] Additions to default CSS file

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Tue Nov 13 13:05:12 CST 2001


> From: aardvark
> ok, i see your point now... but then wouldn't that mean
> that we have to *individually* class *every* <a> that
> sits outside of the main content cell?

well, with the exception of the <a> tags that sit within pagetitle1 and
pagetitle2, pretty much every <a> *is* already classed.

> instead we're talking about treating every <a> as an
> exception, which really makes it the norm...

actually, we're treating every block of <a> tags as a group of elements to
be classed.  really all we're concerned with is if the background of the
element where the <a> sits can have its color set *and* that containing
element is not the content cell, then we need to consider permitting that
<a> tag color be set separately.

right now we've already got the links in the sidebar taken care of.  we've
got the links above the tab taken care of.  the links in the main content
area are taken care of.  the only ones remaining are the links in cells
using pagetitle1 and pagetitle2 classes.

> > yes, but i think you're answer dodges the current
> > situation.  in other words, how are we supposed to
> > make evoltoldschool.css work with the existing site
> > while still maintaining the old v1.0 look and feel?
> we don't... it doesn't have to be a 1:1 re-creation...

you say we don't.  i feel exactly the opposite.  to me, the blue bar across
the top is a key piece of the look and feel.

> > i've offered my solution to the problem.  i'd like to
> > hear yours.
> thing is, i don't see a problem...

what do you call those links disappearing when i view the site with
evoltoldschool.css?  that's a problem.  whether the solution involves the
suggestions i made or not, we need to fix it somehow.  would you prefer to
alter the stylesheet instead?

> i just don't think a 1:1 re-creation of one design or
> complete customization is good enough reason to start
> bloating code with embedded pseudo-style...

easy with the exaggerative phrases.  98% of the cases where this could be a
problem are already taken care of.  addressing 2 more will *not* bloat the

> this all goes back to my preference to see a more
> restrictive scheme of allowing customization if we feel
> our users are too dim to notice they're not seeing some
> links anymore after they make their own...

i fail to see how you'd restrict the user in setting the color for
pagetitle1 and pagetitle2 cells such that links won't disappear in there
because of common color usage.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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