[thesite] test.evolt.org change fyi

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Thu Nov 15 23:33:49 CST 2001


> From: Michele Foster
> I see your point ... and I like Isaac's latest example
> .. what about combining the info:
> "Average Rating 5.0 of 100 ratings" ?

might be doable.  hard to do with the way it's set up now though, ie:

information title: information

make sense?

> Looks to me like more people change the sidebar colour
> as opposed to the pagetitle1 colour.

mccreath's granite is the only one that has pagetitle1 background-color set
the same as the main content area (.main ??).

> However, I think that's "WRONG" .. and that was what I
> was trying to convey when I was talking about
> maintaining some sort of "stability", "consistency",
> etc. with the CSS files, i.e. maintaining a consistent
> look and feel.

i see what you're trying to say, but what if the author is purposely trying
to get a different look and feel by either making a bar across the page by
making the background-color for pagetitle1 and pagetitle2 the same or by
eliminating that bar altogether by making those background-colors the same
as main?

> Wasn't it you that said I couldn't alter an author's
> CSS?  I think I should ... especially to make sure PT1
> has been modified, i.e. that it has not been left as the
> background content colour. In which case we can use
> that.

i do understand where you're coming from, but i still feel that altering the
css values is wrong and should be avoided.  changing those values, no matter
the reason, is altering the stylesheet author's intended result.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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