[thesite] t.e.o. updates

Jeff Howden jeff at alphashop.net
Sat Nov 17 03:39:12 CST 2001

hey all,

just an update to let you all know what i've been up to the past couple of
days in my spare time on t.e.o.

1)  fixed the homepage table structure so the
    cell classed pageTitle2 now spans all the
    way across to the single pixel border like
    it does on all the rest of the pages on

2)  finalized work on the comments search in
    effort to make the search interface and
    search mechanism more inline with how the
    article search works.

3)  classed any <a> tags with a class of
    .pageTitle1 i found in cells classed
    .pageTitle1.  same for pageTitle2

4)  finished up the formatting of the author

5)  dropped a comments search box in the
    sidebar for all users (yes, i concede to
    conventional wisdom)

6)  updated "other articles by this author"
    query and display

7)  tried updating revived article section
    reducing it to one query (yeah, you
    heard right), but wasn't as successful
    as i had hoped

    rudy, can you tell me why this silly
    query always returns the same number
    for the rank alias?  is it because the
    subselect is run first and its result
    is tacked onto each row the main query

    SELECT content.contentid
         , content.keyphrase
         , content.contentname
         , content.synopsis
         , content.datemod
         , content.replies
         , content.rating
         , content.ratings
         , users.userid
         , users.who
         , categorys.category
         , categorys.categoryid
         , (SELECT rand.random * 100000000
              FROM dual
           ) AS rank
      FROM content
         , users
         , categorys
     WHERE categorys.categoryid = content.categoryid
       AND content.userid = users.userid
       AND content.signoff = 1
       AND content.categoryid NOT IN (1, 23, 26, 9741)
       AND content.datemod < '#DateFormat(DateAdd("yyyy" , -1, Now()))#'
     ORDER BY rank

i think that's all for now,


jeff at members.evolt.org

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