[thesite] improved? rating layout

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 19 08:52:24 CST 2001

> From: "Michele Foster" <michele at wordpro.on.ca>
> | 2) Put a *little* more space between the rating gauge and the radio
> buttons | below.
> +1

and why is it we cut .content again?

> | Unrelated comments:
> | 1) The "Additional articles published on evolt.org by this author"
> section | is too much like a rectangular mass of lines. It needs a bit
> more leading | i.e., breathing room between lines. This helps
> readability (that underlines | already destroy).
> +1
> Can we add padding to just that <ul> without messing up the sidebar? 
> (shhh, don't tell adrian ;)

not without adjusting the CSS again... otherwise we have to stuff it 
in inline, which could be problematic if users adjust text sizes...

i don't much dig that box anyway...

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