[thesite] Naive question

Sylvan Katz jskatz at sk.sympatico.ca
Tue Nov 20 09:30:58 CST 2001

I am relatively new to web site development. Recently I found the Evolt web
site and I have been reading the articles. There is a lot of valuable
information there.

I have decided to follow the general philosophy laid out in the article
"Inside the evolt.org Rebuild: The HTML and CSS" for the site I am building.
The site I am designing will have large variety of content and it will be
classified and cross-classified into a variety of categories. I am thinking
of using a web directory based on a common technique that I have seen
implemented at the iBoogie search engine (
http://www.iboogie.tv/search/default.asp )

What is the name of proper name for this technique?
Where can I get a sample javascript, python, perl etc script for it?
Are there any precautions that I should consider when using this technique
in order to stay compliant with the guidelines given in Adrian's article?

Any other pointers would be sincerely appreciated.

Thank you from a newbie
-- Sylvan

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