[thesite] specific LOTTD

Daniel J. Cody djc at starkmedia.com
Mon Oct 8 11:39:37 CDT 2001

mostly ripped from the task list mich put up for codefest.. for those 
that wont be here i hve some questions for you speciifcally about a 
couple things so work can go on(with your opinion/way of doing it taken 
into account) even though you're sadly not here(i've marked shit i'll be 
taking with my initials):

w.e.o. and t.e.o.

[Bug] Comments in Print View

[Bug] Job Category - Sidebar item of Recent Jobs is not being displayed 
on both t.e.o. or w.e.o., regardless of User Priv ID?


[Bug] Fix RSS/XML Feed - Query is pulling a month's (30 days?) worth of 
records when it should only be pulling the last week (according to the 
SQL).  (Or, we can change it to pull the most recent, and specify what 
number that should be - 5 or 10 or ?)


[To Do] Re-validate HTML pages.  Check that DocType and CharSet  have 
been specified and are correct.   Make modifications as required in 
order to validate the pages.
	aardvark - are we validating to HTML 4.0 or HTML 4.01 Specifications?

[New Feature] Activate Web Business Category on live site.
	iSac - send a complete list of all articles he wants moved, as well as 
write an intro paragraph/article for this category.
	Or do you want to wait on this 	till you have more articles, etc..?

[New Feature] Complete list of highest rated articles linked from [More] 
under Highest Rated Articles (on the sidebar).


[New Feature] Other Articles Written by this Author.
	rudy: any shit with the DB we need to do for this?
	anyone: where should this go?(on the bottom probably, but where?)
	anyone: how does the last 5 articles sorted by max rating sound?

[New Feature] Tracking Article Views (i.e. This article has been viewed 
X times.).
	anyone: have suggestions on where this information should appear within 
the article page view?
	anyone: is this a good feature(old articles are at a disadvantage), if so 
could we doa 'since 12-Oct-2001' or something?
	rudy: whats your opinion where the DB should store this?

[New Feature] Category descriptions on category front pages.
	jeff: is everything pretty much good to go on this?(codewise that is) i'm 
assuming not, can you just gimme a quickie overview of
	what your thoughts are on how to do this?

appreciate it :)


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