Member Pages .... Re: [thesite] user selecteble stylesheets..

Warden, Matt mwarden at
Tue Oct 16 22:07:44 CDT 2001

>>or maybe it's a method to privatize an entire member page like
>>sourceforges "the user has made their skills profile private".
>if the "skills profile" you are talking about (my apologies, i have jumped
>in here without reading the seventy-nine posts since sunday on cookies and
>tickets) is the member/membattr/attribute structure, then i'm sorry,
>there's no collection -- each attribute is treated independently of all the
>others, so that in order to privatize the skills profile, you have to
>privatize each skill, and if you wanted a message like the sourceforge one,
>the display routine would need a wee bit more sophistication...

then, you got some 'splainin to do...

i was trying to guess a reason for the PRIV field in the MEMBER table

>> im not sure why, but i can have a username and password that would
>> give me a usual user account and also another user name and password
>> that would give me admin privs. these could both be tied to the same
>> user record. or maybe user at home, user at work. i dunno...
>try that again, only substitute "tied to the same *member* record"

done and done.

>there is, after all, only one mattwarden

you can say that again

you can say that again


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