[thesite] voting application

Michele Foster michele at wordpro.on.ca
Mon Oct 29 21:19:18 CST 2001


----- Original Message -----
From: ".jeff" <jeff at members.evolt.org>
| 1) survey and/or voting applications are common in
|    content management systems yet missing from ours.

Ok, fair enough .. and most of your other reasons too.

However, what are the implications of adding yet more code to the current
CMS to facilitate a voting application?  i.e. where's the voting going to
appear?  Similar to articles?  On the side bar?  How many additional queries
to the DB will be required on the front page (and subsequent pages) to
display the voting information?

Not being argumentative .. I'm just curious if we really want to add more
functionality to code that you've already said should be cleaned up and
rethought in the future.

Would it not make more sense to leave the voting app. as a stand-alone
application?  We can still offer it as an open source project.   I'm not
sure I want it (the voting app.) so tightly woven into the CMS...  but,
since I'm well aware I don't have to code it .. what I want doesn't really
matter.  ;)

Would a unique *e.o. site suffice?  Does anyone have McCreath's stylized
version (URL) of the voting app handy?  (actually, I'll cc this to David)

I do agree with moving it out of the Admin application so that it can be
used by all members.

| 4) we can take advantage of things already in place
|    like login and priv levels.

ueue should take care of this problem though, for all .e.o. sites.


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