[thesite] voting application

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Tue Oct 30 18:33:43 CST 2001


> From: Martin
> Depends on how much we care about the results. If it's
> a throwaway, non-significant poll (like "Thongs or
> boxers?") then who cares?
> I think having the priv level of both voting and result
> viewing being configurable would be a useful thing.

that brings up an interesting point.  i hadn't considered separating voting
rights and viewing rights, but that does add some additional flexibility.
an example i see is the ability to set voting privileges to priv >= 3, but
viewing privileges to priv >= 2.  this way the members can request a vote
from voting members, be kept from actually voting, but see the results when
it's all said and done.

this all brings up another question:  should surveys/votes have an optional
switch to specify whether or not the results can be viewed prior to the vote
closing?  i think the answer is probably yes, but maybe not.  maybe that's
controlled by the type of poll you create.  in other words, if you create a
survey the results are available from the point you cast your opinion
whereas with a vote you can't see the results until it's closed to ensure

keep the ideas coming.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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