[thesite] Priv Levels, Voting App. and UEUE

isaac isaac at members.evolt.org
Wed Oct 31 18:53:47 CST 2001

> The problem as I see it is equating the User's PrivID with their voting
> privileges.

Not necessarily.

Votes could range from something completely casual (requiring no membership
or priv level), to something requiring priv 3. i.e., voting won't only be on
admin-related issues. They may effect admins only, or the wider membership.
And WEO is the site for the wider membership, right?

> Admin only
> BOD only
> Admin and BOD only
> theProcess list members only
> theForum list members only
> theSite list members only (ok, not come up yet ;)
> Voting Members (which may or may not = theForum members)
> General Membership (currently defined at Priv = 1 in weo)
> Members (currently, sort of, maybe defined at Priv = 2 in weo, i.e. those
> with Member Pages)

theforum members won't vote. Voting members will vote. Any member of
theforum wishing to vote will register their interest and be voted in or

As MEO people run through the same check as future voting members (i.e.,
regarding level of contribution), it makes sense (to me), to run future MEO
people through the same procedure. i.e., you apply for MEO, and you get
voting rights. Or you apply for voting rights, and you get the option of an
MEO account.

So, I think we should give MEO people priv=2, and that's the voting priv.

I see the current priv scheme as covering admin voting, voting members
(includes MEO people), general membership, etc. In your scheme, it doesn't
cover BoD votes or those specific to actual lists. Ideas on ways for
handling that?


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