[thesite] Priv Levels, Voting App. and UEUE

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Wed Oct 31 19:59:12 CST 2001


> From: Michele Foster
> The problem as I see it is equating the User's PrivID
> with their voting privileges.  There's not enough
> flexibility.

i fail to see an existing necessity for more flexibility than we already

> When theprocess ran through their first set of votes, a
> few suggestions were made immediately, to change the
> voting application.  One of those suggestions was that
> the votes be anonymous, i.e. don't list who has already
> voted.

more importantly, *don't* show the results at all until the vote is closed.
then, showing or not showing those who've voted so far is a non-issue.

> Doing this meant that even those not "allowed" to vote,
> could still vote, as no one would be the wiser that
> someone had voted who wasn't supposed to.

it doesn't have to happen this way though.  if there is enough cry for it we
can develop the survey/voting application with the ability to either limit
the survey/vote to an entire priv or even to a defined group of
users/members.  this sort of solution would allow us to guarantee that only
the appropriate people can vote.

the important thing is that we need to know what people want to see in it
*before* we develop it.  that will save everyone a ton of time trying to
work in new things later on (because they'll hopefully already be accounted
for from the beginning).

> However, what IS missing still, is the ability to say
> explicitly who gets to vote on what question.

no reason that can't be developed in the w.e.o. implementation.

> As I see it, and some of these items are still in the
> works, being discussed and may, in fact, never become
> a "reality", therefore, not necessary, there are the
> following "groups" of people to poll for various
> reasons:
> [snip of excessive member breakdown]
> [...] I don't see how w.e.o.'s current priv level is
> going to work for the voting application.  [...] I
> think we need to think about this a bit more and
> decide how best to give rights to those that are
> "allowed" to vote, and to keep out those that aren't.

as i see it we only need to break it down based on priv.  however, as i've
already said, if the call is there to be able to assign votes/surveys to
individual members, then i'm fine with that.

> Now, the other issue... and for the life of me I can't
> remember if this was discussed at CF or not.  Has it
> been taken into consideration or thought about, that
> users have different *.e.o. UserPriv levels?  Or they
> could have in the future?

until ueue is built, the only thing that represents the community as a whole
is w.e.o.  therefore, it's the priv on w.e.o. that really matters.  heck,
the details of the concept of ueue or its possible implications on the rest
of the sites aren't even worked out yet.  until they are, it's a non-issue
as there's no way we can't accurately account for how it might work.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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