[thesite] CodeFest: Flights and LOTTD

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Fri Sep 21 14:35:53 CDT 2001


 > At 10:51 AM 9/21/2001, you wrote: Feedback for LOTTD:
 > Unified login across the *.e.o sites - I've got some
 > ideas on how to do this.  I know there was some talk
 > before about this.  Anybody want to get into
 > particulars now and come up with the plan?

i've got some ideas as well, but there are some complexities to 
consider.  the most important is how to move session information from one 
site to another so it follows the user.

 > Allow for articles to appear in more than one category
 > on w.e.o. - if Jeff won't do it I'll do it.  :)  I feel
 > this one is rather important.

it is important, but significant enough of a change that there isn't time 
to do this during codefest.  we also need to consider how this sort of 
change will impact the users of the site.

 > But, it does raise some issues to decide upon before
 > we jump in there.  Again, do we want to discuss
 > particulars now?  Some of the nuances of this affect
 > 5 and 6 (Linking related articles and tracking views)

as well as a fairly significant database change as well.

i'd vote to table it for now for further discussion about impact on the 
user and technical implementation.



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