[thesite] proposed CSS addition

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 16 16:45:00 CST 2002

> From: "rudy" <r937 at interlog.com>
> >yeah, it cascades up the tree... oh well... i'll save it for a later
> day...
> in your test, you used <table class="data">, right?


> now, why do you suppose this cascaded up the tree?
> a bug, shurely

dunno... probably a bug since it only happens in one browser and
the more standards-compliant ones don't do it...

> try some other css specification, such as
>       .data   instead of   table.data

hafta try that... i dinna want everybody using the data class for
something other than its intended goal, however...

>       #data  instead of   table.data

can't do that... there may be more than one table of data on a
page... using an ID of data would prevent more than one table from
being styled...

>       a not-as-likely-a-keyword instead of "data"

doubt that's it, but worth a shot...

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