[thesite] the new author box

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Sat Jan 12 11:54:55 CST 2002


> From: rudy
> in the bio under the article are listed 5 of my
> articles -- what is the sort order on those five
> articles?  obviously it isn't date

SELECT 1 AS rank
       , content.contentid
       , content.contentname
       , content.synopsis
       , content.ratings
       , content.rating
       , content.replies
       , content.categoryid
       , content.datemod
       , (SELECT category
            FROM categorys
           WHERE categorys.categoryid = content.categoryid
         ) AS category
    FROM content
   WHERE content.userid = #userid#
     AND content.categoryid NOT IN (1, 23, 26, 9741)
     AND content.contentid <> #contentid#
     AND content.signoff = 1
       , content.contentid
       , content.contentname
       , content.synopsis
       , content.ratings
       , content.rating
       , content.replies
       , content.categoryid
       , content.datemod
       , (SELECT category
            FROM categorys
           WHERE categorys.categoryid = content.categoryid
    FROM content
   WHERE content.userid = #userid#
     AND content.categoryid IN (1, 23, 26, 9741)
     AND content.contentid <> #contentid#
     AND content.signoff = 1
   ORDER BY rank
       , rating DESC
       , ratings DESC
       , datemod ASC

> the 5 that are chosen are not really the most
> representative of my articles, in fact, one of them
> is so lame i feel like deleting it

i fixed that by changing my rating on the "lame" article.  it now no longer
shows up in the list of articles in your bio section.


jeff at members.evolt.org

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