[thesite] weo down ?

Michele Foster michele at wordpro.on.ca
Sun Jan 13 12:53:49 CST 2002

Anyone else having problems with weo?

I can't get it to load .. not sure if its a cache problem on my end.  Both
IE and NS won't load it.  Here's the error message.


Request timed out
The time taken to process your request has exceeded the allowable limit of
45 seconds. Please notify the server administrator (using the mail link
below) that this error has occurred.

Note: You can override the request time limit by adding a 'RequestTimeout'
parameter to the URL used to request the page (e.g.

SQL = "SELECT content.contentid , content.keyphrase , content.contentname ,
content.synopsis , content.datemod , content.replies , content.rating ,
content.ratings , users.userid , users.who , categorys.category ,
categorys.categoryid , (SELECT Count(*) FROM replies WHERE contentid =
content.contentid AND datemod > '13-Jan-02') AS newcomments FROM content ,
users , categorys WHERE content.signoff = 1 AND content.categoryid <> 23 AND
content.categoryid <> 26 AND content.categoryid <> 9741 AND content.userid =
users.userid AND content.categoryid = categorys.categoryid ORDER BY
content.datemod DESC , content.contentid DESC"

Data Source = "EVOLT"

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (3:1) to (3:62) in the template file


Caught an exception, type =


Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic Information
The time taken to process your request has exceeded the allowable limit of
45 seconds. Please notify the server administrator (using the mail link
below) that this error has occurred.

Note: You can override the request time limit by adding a 'RequestTimeout'
parameter to the URL used to request the page (e.g.

Date/Time: Sun Jan 13 12:50:36 2002
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; T312461)
Remote Address:

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