[thesite] Status Updates on Various Projects

Michele Foster michele at wordpro.on.ca
Mon Jan 21 13:50:44 CST 2002

Hi Folks ....

I'd like to assess what's being worked on, what's being held pending
whatever, and progress/status of the various evolt projects.  We're pretty
much *done* with the original CodeFest list of tasks .. most items have been
completed or abandoned, and there are a few additional features for weo
still to work on.  Essentially, everything is done.

(1)  d.e.o. - See Simon's message he sent out this morning.  Further
discussion on the project as a whole on theforum.

(2) f.e.o. - Matt's what the status of f.e.o.?  Are you waiting for ueue?
Can f.e.o. progress in the interim?

(3) ueue - Mark .. what's up?  Have you settled on a plan for this?  Does it
meet all of our needs/concerns?  Can we proceed?  Do you need help from
others, if so what and who?

(4) voting application - Jeff and Isaac, any progress on this?  Do you guys,
realistically, have time to work on this project?  Would it be better to
hand this off to other volunteers to work on?

(5) a.e.o. - On the shelf for the time being .. the email portion works and
meets our needs/requirements.  All the other features are on hold pending
further evaluation of what we want, need and comparing other open source
software to meet our needs.

(6) Member Pages - first thing to do is define a "user" vs. a "member".  I
dunno why Rudy thinks I should do this .. hehe, but what the heck .. I'll
give it a go.  (Future post soon.)  I've cc'd this message to Greg S. and
Jeremy S. .. did you guys come up with any design options/solutions for the
member pages?  Can you send me the info/urls please.

What else?  Not taking into account evolt IA and redesign.

TIA for the updates


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