[thesite] CatTypes ... was .. from admin

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Wed Jan 23 17:33:03 CST 2002


> From: Michele Foster
> | all categories are looked at for the average rating.
> | this will be fixed if we move to a system where only
> | some categories can have ratings because we'll blow
> | away the existing ratings on the articles in
> | categories that can't have ratings.
> Will add a <proposed> section in a bit.

well, if we go forward with this, i *will* be blowing away the ratings on
articles in non-rateable categories.  otherwise the numbers will be all off.

> | the following categories are excluded when gathering
> | the "other articles by this author" block:
> |   - news
> |   - jobs
> |   - suggestions
> |   - faq
> |
> | community news should be added to this, but currently
> | isn't part of the ones excluded.
> I think this is the way you originally coded this, but
> you changed it .. to what I'm not 100% sure.  For
> example, my other articles do appear, even though they
> are FAQ or CN.. Can you double-check this one please.

here's the query:

SELECT 1 AS rank
       , content.contentid
       , content.contentname
       , content.synopsis
       , content.ratings
       , content.rating
       , content.replies
       , content.categoryid
       , content.datemod
       , (SELECT category
            FROM categorys
           WHERE categorys.categoryid = content.categoryid
         ) AS category
    FROM content
   WHERE content.userid = 4292
     AND content.categoryid NOT IN (1, 23, 26, 9741)
     AND content.contentid <> 19901
     AND content.signoff = 1
       , content.contentid
       , content.contentname
       , content.synopsis
       , content.ratings
       , content.rating
       , content.replies
       , content.categoryid
       , content.datemod
       , (SELECT category
            FROM categorys
           WHERE categorys.categoryid = content.categoryid
    FROM content
   WHERE content.userid = 4292
     AND content.categoryid IN (1, 23, 26, 9741)
     AND content.contentid <> 19901
     AND content.signoff = 1
   ORDER BY rank
       , rating DESC
       , ratings DESC
       , datemod ASC

it looks to me like it's trying to grab from the non-blacklisted categories
first and then grabbing from the blacklisted categories and joining the two
resultsets together.  you have blacklisted articles show up cause you
haven't written articles in any other categories.  regardless, community
news needs to be added to this query.

> Also, do "suggestions" appear on the front-page?  (I
> thought there were 3 cats that didn't .. but I might
> be dreaming.)

suggestions do not appear on the homepage.



jeff at members.evolt.org

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